Qun’s diary
Days in London late 90’s
Me in Grosvenor House in London, Mayfair for Sushi demonstration and banquets in 1997 with my Japanese colleagues. I’m very honoured to work with talented Japanese sushi masters. They are incredibly strict but taught me how to prepare sushi from the heart. 懐かしい。ロンドンの5つ星ホテルでも寿司を握ってました。
Staff lunch. 今日のまかない
オムライス。急に食べたくなったので。Omu-rice, is one of nostalgic dish in Japan. My wife sometimes cooks for me lunch. She also makes very nice “Hayashi sauce” to serve with. Mmmm. Shall we put it on lunch special?
I make Nikuman from scratch on my day off because my kid loves it.
Nothing is better than my homemade Nikuman ( pork buns ) says my family.